New Short Game Practice Area
It has been 5 weeks since our new short game area was planted adjacent to the practice putting green near the first tees and it’s starting to look really good. We have been cutting the green and surrounding area daily to promote the growth. The rough part of this area will now start getting cut regularly also to promote the growth of the turf.

So the question asked most often ; When will it be ready for play?
If the weather cooperates and all goes according to plan it should be ready for use in the middle of August.
The green will not be like the others here. When we seed greens in Victoria we use bent grass. This is a very high quality grass and easy to establish in the summer with the heat that we are experiencing. Typically bent grass is the most desirable grass for putting greens, however we live in the land of Poa Annua grass. It will eventually take over this green in the next few years.
The bunker will open at the same time as the rest of the area but the bunker board and stakes surrounding the inside perimeter will be kept in place to help support it while a strong turf-root mass develops.
We are very proud to make these enhancements to our facilities and improve the amenities and conditions for our regular players. Like the rest of the course’s philosophy, this area will open for all, everyone is welcome!
July 22 Update:
Due to the heat and challenging growing conditions the opening of the new practice green will likely be mid-September. For the remainder of the season the green will not be at putting height but will be a great area for practicing chipping and pitching.